There are only 3 schools in DISD that are over 50% White-non-Hispanic. They are Lakewood Elementary, Mockingbird (formerly Stonewall Jackson) Elementary, and Travis Middle School. The average School Effectiveness Indices (SEI) in these three schools is only 52.0. There are 54 DISD schools with higher SEI scores, but only 6 DISD schools with higher average teacher salaries than these three. The average 2017/18 teacher salary at these three 50+% White schools was $62,024. (You can find the SEI data in the DISD Data Portal at But the average 2017/18 salary for all the rest of DISD schools was $52,643, over a $9,500 difference! (See link to the salary data below.)
Even the 20 lowest poverty schools in DISD, which these three are among, had average 2017/18 teacher salaries of $56,118 while the remaining 216 or so schools with over 70% of students living in poverty had average salaries of $52,165. That means that these three "most White" schools enjoy teacher salaries that are the highest of the high, and $9,859 higher than the average teacher salary in the 216 schools, over 90% of all DISD schools, with over 70% of student living in poverty!!
The 96% of Dallas ISD schools with lower average teacher than the three 50+% White schools includes many WONDERFULLY high performing schools. Among the best are the Young Women's STEAM Academy at Balch Springs Middle School which has enjoyed an average SEI of 60.2 over the past three years, a score that has also risen every one of the past 3 years. A score that is 8 points higher than the three 50+% White schools!
Two of those three years they had the highest SEI scores of ALL middle schools! BUT the average teacher salary at this VERY high performing, 91% high poverty, 1.3% White-non-Hispanic middle school is only $55,318, over $6,500 less than the three MUCH lower performing 50+% White Non-Hispanic schools.
Should a teacher be paid according to how well their students take tests or on how well the students improve in taking those tests from the time they enter that teacher's classroom which is what the SEI measures? (It seems we are stuck at this time in this conversation with test taking measurements.)
Is this a battle that should be fought? How hard?
Here is the Googledocs link to the spreadsheet provided by DISD with all three years in separate workbooks of the salary data that DISD released in an open records request in August:
The 96% of Dallas ISD schools with lower average teacher than the three 50+% White schools includes many WONDERFULLY high performing schools. Among the best are the Young Women's STEAM Academy at Balch Springs Middle School which has enjoyed an average SEI of 60.2 over the past three years, a score that has also risen every one of the past 3 years. A score that is 8 points higher than the three 50+% White schools!
Two of those three years they had the highest SEI scores of ALL middle schools! BUT the average teacher salary at this VERY high performing, 91% high poverty, 1.3% White-non-Hispanic middle school is only $55,318, over $6,500 less than the three MUCH lower performing 50+% White Non-Hispanic schools.
Should a teacher be paid according to how well their students take tests or on how well the students improve in taking those tests from the time they enter that teacher's classroom which is what the SEI measures? (It seems we are stuck at this time in this conversation with test taking measurements.)
Is this a battle that should be fought? How hard?
Here is the Googledocs link to the spreadsheet provided by DISD with all three years in separate workbooks of the salary data that DISD released in an open records request in August:
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